  • Passover Programs
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Pesach Programs
Pesach Program First Impressions First impressions aren’t everything, but they definitely play a critical role in setting the tone.I’ll never forget one year, upon arrival we were greeted personally by the program owner, with prefilled glasses of wine as we stepped off the bus from the airport. Our luggage was briskly whisked away and taken to our rooms before we even had a chance to look around. That extra touch of subliminal messaging… “your relaxation
Pesach Programs
Splitting of the Red Sea: Mothers and Song Rabbi Elchanan Shoff Then Moshe and the people of Israel sang this song to Hashem… Shemos 15:1 “In congregations bless God, Hashem, from the womb of Israel.”[1] Rabbi Meir used to say that, from this verse, we can see that even the fetuses in the wombs of their mothers sang the song to God at the sea.[2] Aside from the challenge of understanding how a fetus, in
Passover Programs
Plastic characters of Hebrew alphabet on a sand. Hebrew word Shalom meaning peace hello goodbye. I’ve seen some pretty crazy situations on Pesach Programs. Some bar fights, hotel staff strikes, police arrests, damaged property etc. 10 Tips For Staying in A Resort For Pesach for 10 Days Treat others as you’d like to be treated Tip generously to the staff that’s taking care of you. Before Yom Tov, during Chol Hamoed and after Do not
Passover Programs - packing for a Pesach Program
Pesach Packing List Packing for a 10 day trip can be daunting. You don’t want to over pack and be that person who comes with 3 suitcases per person. I like to keep it light but when you’ve got Yom Tov, Shabbos, beach, swimming and exotic excursions planned you’ve got to pack wisely. It’s akin to preparing your kids’ suitcases for sleepaway camp and you almost wish the program would send out a checklist. (If you are
Passover Programs
Congratulations to Esther Lapin on winning your free 2 day-1 night stay during chol hamoed at Gan Eden Passover in San Diego!
Passover Program
Passover Travelers Guide Passover information for the tourist or guest So you’ve decided to spend Passover away from home. You may be traveling to family, following the time-honored tradition for relatives to gather for the Passover seders, you might be embracing the recent trend of spending Passover in a hotel or resort, or perhaps business concerns are the reason for this trip. Either way, the following tips and halachic guidelines will help you be at

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