International VS Domestic Pesach Programs
Which one is better? It really depends on you and your family. Is your family the type to travel abroad to Europe or stay local with a United States based program? Do you have the mental energy to get yourself and your children accustomed to a new time zone for ten days? Then must deal with the jetlag once arriving at the location and once returning back home. Are you in the mental state to become familiar with the location’s native language and currency? Or would you rather fly somewhere in the U.S where there are people that speak the same language and have the same currency as you?
Different strokes for different folks. Passover Listings welcomes and acknowledges that. As well as Pesach programs across the world. That’s why we have over 100 Pesach program listings on our website. To provide options for you and to allow freedom for you and your family to make the best choice. We understand that it can be tough, especially for those traveling with many children and many family members. It is also vital to keep in mind that Europe based programs are generally cheaper than U.S ones. Being that Europe based Pesach programs only accept payment in their currency, let’s take euros for example. It may be cheaper when the program shows European currency, but if you are from America- remember to convert the price to American currency.
If you cannot decide between international or domestic Pesach programs, a helpful tip to keep in mind is the Jewish aspect. If you’ve always wanted to travel to Greece with your family, but were worried about kosher food, a Greece Passover Program may be perfect for you. Booking an international program allows you and your family to have the opportunity to travel abroad all while having the Jewish necessary components provided for. You won’t need to contact Chabad or deal with any weird hechsherim, rabbinical product certification, in grocery stores. However, if you book a Pesach Program in America, you will most probably be familiar with the grocery stores and hechsherim, making it much easier for you and your family to be comfortable. This is something to really think about.
On the other hand, those living in the U.S would probably love to leave their current residence and truly go on vacation somewhere international. Those in Europe or Asia, would possibly love a change of location too. It all depends on where you live and if there are any locations that you would love to visit. Either way, Pesach will be celebrated in all locations, whether domestic or international, with our beautiful Jewish brothers and sisters in unity.