The Truth in Passover Travel – Buyer Beware!
- Investigate the reputation of the tour operator.
- Tour operators can usually produce references but you need to make sure they’ve been on their previous programs not just family or friends.
- Investigate the reputation of the hotel where the program will take place.
- Do not rely only on online websites such as trip advisor to honestly report about hotels.
- Every hotel will have a flaw or two.
- Be aware that competitors sometimes send in false reports.
- Investigate the hotel to make sure the claims about the location & what it has to offer are real.
- Don’t sign up for a program at a hotel that is in bankruptcy.
- Before you pay in full, contact the hotel to make sure the program is happening by asking someone from the front desk or the hotel’s sales department..
- Have a ‘Plan B’ (see below) because ‘life’ happens.
Always Take Out Travel Insurance
You can ‘Google’ travel insurance & find 500 companies
- Contact those that are well known as reliable.
- Some offer several plans (for example: with air fare or without).
- Some will accept you even with prior health conditions.
- You will require medical documentation should you need to make a claim.
- They will accept a letter from your Passover Program provider stating your costs.
- Sometimes you get a better rate if you take just a little less insurance than you need