Burnt Offerings Las Vegas – Salmon Spinach Roll with Dill Sauce for Passover
Every Passover as a child, I would hope to find the “Afikoman”. It was my entire focus. Unfortunately, my brothers only purpose was to terrorize me by making it impossible to find! Without fail, it was not a Seder if I did not end up in tears.
This year it will be happy tears as Burnt Offerings will be closed for Passover and I will be in hiding with the Afikoman!
Pesach has always been a really big upkimenisht around the Weiss house. Between the cleaning, shopping and cooking it was so tiring that when we finally sat down to the first Seder, we leaned real good into our seat cushions and smelled the freshly graded horseradish to stay awake.
As years went by, I came to wonder why Passover needs to be so darn complicated, that it is just not an enjoyable environment to teach our children the story of Passover.
So, I broke it down!
Cool simple. Cook fresh. Don’t use commercial products that bare the kosher for Passover symbol that are insanely expensive and low quality. These products are unnecessary.
Vegetables, Fruits, Chicken, Meat, Fish, Eggs…. basically all you need. Be creative. Innovative. Healthy. With simple in mind, I introduce you to my Kosher for Passover go to appetizer, lunch, brunch item.
Salmon Spinach Roll with Dill Sauce (low carb)
Serve hot or cold.
6 egg whites stiff peaks
2 cups after cooked Spinach and drained
1/2 cup Caramelized Onions
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 # salmon filet
1/4 cup chopped tomatoes
1/4 cup Chopped Yellow Pepper
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 cup canola
Fold egg white stiff peaks into drained spinach and caramelized onions.
Add salt and pepper to mixture to taste.
Lay mixture flat on a baking sheet topped with oil greased parchment paper.
Bake for 15 minutes on 350°. Let cool.
Place salmon, vegetables and seasoning on the spinach sheet towards one side the long way.
Roll the spinach sheet leaving the Salmon in the middle, like a big sushi roll.
Wrap roll in oil lined parchment paper and then wrap in heavy duty aluminum foil.
Place on baking sheet and bake in oven on 350° for 50 minutes.
Unwrap and slice! Eat hot or cold. I serve it with a creamy dill sauce.
Executive Chef Jennifer Eckmann
Burnt Offerings