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The Ultimate Passover Cleaning Checklist Passover is coming up. We don’t mean to stress you out, rather we want to help you. If you are going to a Passover program, there are less things that you need to clean and take care of. If you’re staying home this year, then there are much more things to do. Follow this checklist to ensure that everything is done before Passover begins. Keep in mind that everyone has […]

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How to Make The Passover Seder Night Fun for Kids   Seder night is different for each family, whether you have little children at home, an empty nester, have guests, go over other people, or on a Passover program. We all know that children look forward to Passover for the seder night. Children prepare and learn about Pesach in school for typically a whole month in advance. Their teachers will go over the Haggadah with […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Afikomen Gift Ideas You’ve been waiting for this part to come. Now is the time to prepare for it and do the shopping. Each year, the afikomen is hidden either by adult or child, it depends on the family’s custom. Whoever finds the afikomen, gets a prize! It can be something small or big, depending on how old the child/adult is and each family’s traditions. Continue reading for some ideas on […]

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The Top 3 Places to Hide the Passover Afikomen One of the best parts of Pesach the seder is when either the children or the adults hide the afikomen. It depends on each family’s customs, but either the child hides the afikomen or the adult does. Some family’s reward the adult or child who finds the afikomen with a prize or a gift. In this blog, I will provide the top three strategic places to […]

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