Joined In May 2024
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This is our third year attending the Agudas Achim Pesach program. Being together with so many uplifting people is a highlight--Rabbi Kushner sets the tone with his warmth, sense of humor, and Ahavas Yisroel. His sincere caring for each person really shined through. I also enjoyed the beautiful davening he led. Rabbi Sheinbaum is a Talmud Chacham who gave over hartzig Divrei Torah with important messages for today. Rabbi Kielski worked tirelessly as the mashgiach along with other responsibilities and he always had a smile along with his his easy-going nature. All of these Rabbonims special wives and families added so much to the atmosphere as well. The food was delicious and I could feel that the chef put much care and feeling into whatever he made. The activities which included a fun martial arts exercise class, swimming, mezuzzah cover making and more was enjoyable and in line with the ruchnius atmosphere. The baby sitters were very attentive and sincerely cared about the children. We met many nice, down to earth people; it was a zchus for us to once again be a part of this super special program.
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